About Us

About Us

We are an independent specialist provider of sign language interpreting, translation and training services. We offer a range of sign language interpreting and translation services, including BSL Interpreters and BSL Translators. Our interpreting and translation service is built on the principle of forming connections, matching a project with suitable language professionals. We are not about filling contracts: we're all about quality over quantity. 

We deliver accredited professional qualifications in British Sign Language and in sign language interpreting and translation. Our unique pathway for hearing people learning BSL as a second language will allow you to qualify as a sign language interpreter from scratch in just 5 years.

Our Interpreter Development Programme for Heritage Signers and Deaf Interpreter Development Programme courses are the only ones of their kind in the UK. Our interpreter training courses are unique and are designed to prepare graduates for a successful career as a professional sign language interpreter or translator.

We work with a highly skilled and experienced team, including deaf and hearing interpreters, translators, teachers, assessors and verifiers. Our skillset as a training team is formidable, which means you have the opportunity to learn from the very best in the field.
Contact Form
BSL First LTD | Company number: 12860304 | VAT number: 379905441

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