BSL First 2024

Data Protection Policy


This policy applies to all personal data collected and processed by BSL First in the conduct of its business, in electronic format, in any medium and within structured paper filing systems. BSL First does not collect or process sensitive personal data.

BSL First needs to collect and process personal data about people, including staff and individuals with whom it deals with, in order to operate its daily business and for the organisation to operate effectively.

This policy applies to all BSL First employed and freelance staff, students, subcontractors and visitors. Disciplinary action may be taken against parties failing to comply with this policy.

BSL First adheres to the following values when processing personal data: Individuals will be made aware that their information has been collected, and the intended use of the data specified either on collection. This may be verbally or written.

Personal data will be collected and processed only to the extent that it is needed to fulfil business needs or legal requirements.

Personal data held will be kept up to date and accurate.

Personal data will be processed in accordance with the rights of the individuals about whom the personal data are held.

Appropriate technical, organisational and administrative security measures to safeguard personal data will be in place.

Staff will report any actual, near miss, or suspected data breaches to the Managing Director for investigation.

Lessons learned during the investigation of breaches will be relayed to those processing information to enable necessary improvements to be made.

Any unauthorised use of corporate email by staff, including sending of sensitive or personal data to unauthorised persons, or use that brings BSL First into disrepute will be regarded as a breach of this policy.

Staff will use appropriate protective markings to protect and secure any document containing personal information. In this way informing recipients of the document of the measures that need to be employed for its appropriate handling.

Members of staff will have access to personal data only where it is required as part of their functional remit. Data subjects, who wish to make a comment or complaint about how BSL First is processing their data, or about BSL First’s handling of their request for information, should contact the Managing Director at [email protected]. Complaints will be handled in line with our Complaints Policy.

A data subject’s personal information will not be disclosed to them until their identity has been verified.

Contact Form
BSL First LTD | Company number: 12860304 | VAT number: 379905441

Designed & Development by WP Ability

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